Please take note of the following dates for the outreach program running parallel to the current NGBK exhibition 'Urban Cultures of Global Prayers'!
Kombiticket Sunday Service Radio @ Reboot.FM
88.4 FM
Sonntags 17 - 17:30, danach als Podcast über die Webseite erhältlich
13.11 Global Prayers Salon # 5, mit Klaus Ronneberger und Anne Hufschmied
04.12 Buch Presentation - "Berlin. Stadt. Religion - Methoden der Stadtforschung im Selbstversuch" mit Hahn, Krieger, Blatter und Niethe (Datum tbc)
11.12 'Religion 'n' Roll Radio' - Tour durch Berlin's ausgefallenste Religiose Orte mit dem Musiker Piko Be
18.12 'Religion 'n' Roll Radio' - 2. Tour durch Berlin's ausgefallenste Religiose Orte mit dem Musiker Piko Be
25.12 'Religion 'n' Roll Radio' - 3. und letzte Tour durch Berlin's ausgefallenste Religiose Orte mit dem Musiker Piko Be
01.01.2012 Buch Presentation - "Berlin. Stadt. Religion - Methoden der Stadtforschung im Selbstversuch" mit Hahn, Krieger, Blatter und Niethe (Datum tbc)
Kombiticket Workshop:
"Urban Documents" - an artistic field recording workshop with sound artist Gilles Aubry
Samstag, 17.12.2011
10:00 - 15:00
Kostenloser Workshop für bis zu 12 Teilnehmer
Anmeldung erfolgt über
Sound Künstler Gilles Aubry bietet den Teilnehmern eine kurze praktische Einführung in das Field-Recording an, sowie einen Einblick in seinem künstlerischen Schaffens. Nach einer Einführung zur seiner Arbeiten in der aktuelle Ausstellung "Urban Cultures of Global Prayers", realisieren die Teilnehmer eigene Tonaufnahmen von einfachen alltagssituationen in der unmittelbaren Gegend.
Nach der kurzen Ausflug sammeln sich die Teilnehmer wieder in die NGBK um ihren Sounds gemeinsam anzuhören und Ergebnisse/Erfahrungen zu diskutieren. Dabei werden Aspekten der Klangproduktion und -rezeption problematisiert: Wie positionniert sich der Author? Wer wird gehört? Wer wird nicht gehört? Wie kann man Räume klanglich dokumentieren? Wie unterscheiden sich auditive Dokumentationsformen von klassischen visuellen dokumentationsformen?
Sound artist Gilles Aubry offers workshop participants a short, practical introduction to field recording. He will also talk about his own artistic practice. Following a short presentation of his work in the current exhibition 'Urban Cultures of Global Prayers', the participants will go about making their own audio recordings of simple day-to-day situations in the immediate vicinity of the NGBK.
After this excursion, the participants will gather back at the NGBK and do some 'collective listening' as well as discussing experiences and results. Aspects of sound production will be discussed, such as: how does the author of the work position themselves? Who is heard? Who is not heard? How can we record the sound of spaces? What is the difference between auditive documentation and classic visual documentation formats?
Führungen zur Ausstellung - Urban Cultures of Global Prayers
Speakers to be announced
Sonntags / Sundays
04., 18. & 12.12.2011
"Kombiticket" is the umbrella term for a series of events, activities and research within the field of art mediation and education at the NGBK Berlin. It aims to build a network of participants, acting like a base interface for a number of interconnected activities that, rather like hyperlinking in the Internet, will be associated with each other and spread out in new and surprising directions.
Check for upcoming events with the calendar!
Friday, 18 November 2011
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Sunday Service Radio from KOMBITICKET
Tune in your radios to the SUNDAY SERVICE between 17:00 and 17:30 on Reboot.FM, 88.4!
KOMBITICKET outreach program presents the first in a series of shows 'Sunday Service' running parallel to the current exhibition 'Urban Cultures of Global Prayers' at the NGBK on Reboot.FM.
Speakers Anne Schmid, Kathrin Wildner and Klaus Ronnegut are heard here at the 3rd Global Prayers salon recorded on the 4th of November 2011.
KOMBITICKET outreach program presents the first in a series of shows 'Sunday Service' running parallel to the current exhibition 'Urban Cultures of Global Prayers' at the NGBK on Reboot.FM.
Speakers Anne Schmid, Kathrin Wildner and Klaus Ronnegut are heard here at the 3rd Global Prayers salon recorded on the 4th of November 2011.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Updates - Kombiticket program report for Raumschiff Jugoslawien
During the exhibition Raumschiff Jugoslawien, Kombiticket offered a multi-faceted assortment of 'things to do' that included an animation workshop for teenagers and a hectic but informative kombicar ride through secret ex-Yugoslavia in Berlin.
On the 9th of October 2011, we took a drive with Rüdiger Rossig (with Marko Krojac at the wheel) to search out the 'DIY' ex-yugo scene in Berlin. In fact Berlin is bustling with small and beautiful self-run spaces hosting a very specific array of community events. Along our travels we came across the Rroma Theater Cafe in Neukölln, the Blauer Apfel secret cinema and kitchen in Prenzlauer Berg, the Südost Europa Kultur e.V. exhibition space in Kreuzberg, the "hinterhof Moschee" (backyard mosque) Islamski Kulturni Centar close to the NGBK and painter Lovro Artukovic's studio near Hermannplatz. Meeting random passengers in the car, Rüdiger displayed his talent for full-content/fast-talking and presented his publication, as well as his personal interest in and history of the ex-yugoslavian countries and how some of the protagonists had ended up in Berlin. (following photos taken by Marko Krojac)
Following the Kombicar event was a day-long animation workshop for teenage art students from the Kurt Tucholsky Oberschule in Pankow who looked at the topic memories and how personal memories change and are adapted when 'given further' to other people. The kids visited the exhibition and gained an insight into how other artists had worked with the topic of memory and memorials. We looked at simple animations done by artists that were available on youtube (including short pieces by Norman McClaren, William Kentridge, Rene Laloux and David Shrigley). Then a kind of 'swap shop' of personal anecdotes took place that were then produced as simple, short drawn animations by teams of 4. The workshop introduced the kids to the procedure involved in making a simple animation as well as the difficulty and sensitivity required when dealing with other peoples memories.
On the 9th of October 2011, we took a drive with Rüdiger Rossig (with Marko Krojac at the wheel) to search out the 'DIY' ex-yugo scene in Berlin. In fact Berlin is bustling with small and beautiful self-run spaces hosting a very specific array of community events. Along our travels we came across the Rroma Theater Cafe in Neukölln, the Blauer Apfel secret cinema and kitchen in Prenzlauer Berg, the Südost Europa Kultur e.V. exhibition space in Kreuzberg, the "hinterhof Moschee" (backyard mosque) Islamski Kulturni Centar close to the NGBK and painter Lovro Artukovic's studio near Hermannplatz. Meeting random passengers in the car, Rüdiger displayed his talent for full-content/fast-talking and presented his publication, as well as his personal interest in and history of the ex-yugoslavian countries and how some of the protagonists had ended up in Berlin. (following photos taken by Marko Krojac)
Following the Kombicar event was a day-long animation workshop for teenage art students from the Kurt Tucholsky Oberschule in Pankow who looked at the topic memories and how personal memories change and are adapted when 'given further' to other people. The kids visited the exhibition and gained an insight into how other artists had worked with the topic of memory and memorials. We looked at simple animations done by artists that were available on youtube (including short pieces by Norman McClaren, William Kentridge, Rene Laloux and David Shrigley). Then a kind of 'swap shop' of personal anecdotes took place that were then produced as simple, short drawn animations by teams of 4. The workshop introduced the kids to the procedure involved in making a simple animation as well as the difficulty and sensitivity required when dealing with other peoples memories.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
KOMBITICKET KOMBICAR am Sonntag den 09. Oktober, 2011!
KOMBICAR: Sonntag den 09.10.2011 (English below)
Am 9. Oktober 2011 ist es wieder so weit: Der Kombicar des Kombiticket-Kunstvermittlungsangebots der NGBK startet zu seiner dritten Runde, diesmal im Rahmen der gerade eröffneten NGBK-Ausstellung „Raumschiff Jugoslawien“. Steig mit dem Journalisten, Balkan-Historiker und Kenner der (ex-) jugoslawischen Communities in Deutschland Rüdiger Rossig und der NGBK-Kombiticket-Programm-Managerin Catriona Shaw ein in den Kombicar - und nimm teil an einem Ritt durch das balkanische Berlin, bei dem wir in bekannten und unbekannten Locations prominente und unbekannte Akteuren der lokalen Ex-Jugo Szene treffen.
Im Kombicar können – zusätzlich zur Ogranisatorin, dem Fahrer und dem Stadtführer - bis zu fünf Personen mitfahren. Für alle Stationen ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich - man kann sich allerdings nur für eine Strecke im Auto anmelden. Gäste, die selbstständig zu den Stationen kommen wollen, müssen sich ebenfalls anmelden und ihren Weg dorthin selbst finden.
Die Toursprache ist Deutsch, Übersetzung auf Englisch und das ehemalige Serbokroatisch sind bei Bedarf möglich.
Zum Abschluss präsentiert der Kombicar einen besonderen Leckerbissen:
Im Geheimkino "Blauen Apfel" im Norden der Stadt wird ein spannender Dokumentarfilm über Berliner (Ex-) Jugos gezeigt. Und dazu gibt es die Möglichkeit, vom Betreiber selbst zubereitete Leckerbissen zu kosten.
Das Abschulssveranstaltung im Blauen Apfel ist kostenpflichtig: €3 für den Film und weitere €3 für das Essen.
Anmeldung bzw. weitere Infos per mail: join @
Jeweils 5 Passagiere pro Autostrecke, eine weitere 5 Anmeldungen für die Stationen möglich (selbstständig hinkommen)
1. 13:00 - Abholort: NGBK, Oranienstrasse 25, Kreuzberg - Station: Südost Europa Kultur e.V.
2. 14:00 - Abholort: Hallesches Tor U-bahn Station, gegenüber von der Amerikanische Gedenksbibilothek -
Station: Rroma Café Theater
3. 15:00 - Abholort: Hermannstrasse, hohe U-Bahnhof Boddinstrasse, Nördlicher Eingang - Station: Islamski Kulturni Centar
4. 16:00 - Abholort: Ritterstrasse, GIDA Supermarkt am Kottbusser Tor - Station: Atelier Lovro Artuković
5. 17:00 - Abholort: Hermannplatz U-bahn, Hasenheide, vor Pizza Delicia - Station: Blauer Apfel
KOMBICAR: Sunday, 09.10.2011
On Sunday the 9th of October 2011 get on your marks - NGBK's art education program Kombiticket will be revving up the Kombicar for the third time, this time running for the current exhibition „Raumschiff Jugoslawien“. Join journalist, Balkan historian and expert on (ex-) yugoslavian communities in Germany, Rüdiger Rossig, and Kombiticket's own Catriona Shaw in the Kombicar and take part in a ride through balkanesque Berlin. We will meet prominent and lesser-known protagonists of the local ex-yugo scene in both famed and more hard-to-find locations.
Along with the organizer, the driver and the guide, the Kombicar will hold up to five additional passengers. To travel in the Kombicar, you must register - this can be done for only one of the routes. This time, however, the destinations are also open to up to 5 extra guests who wish to find their own way there - pre-registration is also obligatory.
The tour will be conducted in German, but English and former Serbo-croation translations are available.
Finally the Kombicar tour offers a very special treat:
Secret cinema "Blauen Apfel" (blue apple) in north Berlin will screen a documentary about Berlin's ex- Jugos. Not only this, but some special culinary delights will be prepared to give people a real taste of the scene.
The final event at Blauen Apfel costs a little something: €3 to see the Film and/or €3 for the food. This event is open to a larger number of guests!
Registration / Further info here:
Collection points (CP) / Destinations (D):
Up to 5 passangers per route! A further 5 guests can register for the destinations (Blauen Apfel is open to more guests)
1. 13:00 - CP: NGBK, Oranienstrasse 25, Kreuzberg - D: Südost Europa Kultur e.V.
2. 14:00 - CP: Hallesches Tor U-bahn Station, opposite Amerikanische Gedenksbibilothek -
D: Rroma Café Theater
3. 15:00 - CP: Hermannstrasse, north entrance to U-Bahnhof Boddinstrasse - D: Islamski Kulturni Centar
4. 16:00 - CP: Ritterstrasse, GIDA Supermarket at Kottbusser Tor - D: Atelier Lovro Artuković
5. 17:00 - CP: Hermannplatz U-bahn, Hasenheide, in front of Pizza Delicia - D: Blauer Apfel
Am 9. Oktober 2011 ist es wieder so weit: Der Kombicar des Kombiticket-Kunstvermittlungsangebots der NGBK startet zu seiner dritten Runde, diesmal im Rahmen der gerade eröffneten NGBK-Ausstellung „Raumschiff Jugoslawien“. Steig mit dem Journalisten, Balkan-Historiker und Kenner der (ex-) jugoslawischen Communities in Deutschland Rüdiger Rossig und der NGBK-Kombiticket-Programm-Managerin Catriona Shaw ein in den Kombicar - und nimm teil an einem Ritt durch das balkanische Berlin, bei dem wir in bekannten und unbekannten Locations prominente und unbekannte Akteuren der lokalen Ex-Jugo Szene treffen.
Im Kombicar können – zusätzlich zur Ogranisatorin, dem Fahrer und dem Stadtführer - bis zu fünf Personen mitfahren. Für alle Stationen ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich - man kann sich allerdings nur für eine Strecke im Auto anmelden. Gäste, die selbstständig zu den Stationen kommen wollen, müssen sich ebenfalls anmelden und ihren Weg dorthin selbst finden.
Die Toursprache ist Deutsch, Übersetzung auf Englisch und das ehemalige Serbokroatisch sind bei Bedarf möglich.
Zum Abschluss präsentiert der Kombicar einen besonderen Leckerbissen:
Im Geheimkino "Blauen Apfel" im Norden der Stadt wird ein spannender Dokumentarfilm über Berliner (Ex-) Jugos gezeigt. Und dazu gibt es die Möglichkeit, vom Betreiber selbst zubereitete Leckerbissen zu kosten.
Das Abschulssveranstaltung im Blauen Apfel ist kostenpflichtig: €3 für den Film und weitere €3 für das Essen.
Anmeldung bzw. weitere Infos per mail: join @
Jeweils 5 Passagiere pro Autostrecke, eine weitere 5 Anmeldungen für die Stationen möglich (selbstständig hinkommen)
1. 13:00 - Abholort: NGBK, Oranienstrasse 25, Kreuzberg - Station: Südost Europa Kultur e.V.
2. 14:00 - Abholort: Hallesches Tor U-bahn Station, gegenüber von der Amerikanische Gedenksbibilothek -
Station: Rroma Café Theater
3. 15:00 - Abholort: Hermannstrasse, hohe U-Bahnhof Boddinstrasse, Nördlicher Eingang - Station: Islamski Kulturni Centar
4. 16:00 - Abholort: Ritterstrasse, GIDA Supermarkt am Kottbusser Tor - Station: Atelier Lovro Artuković
5. 17:00 - Abholort: Hermannplatz U-bahn, Hasenheide, vor Pizza Delicia - Station: Blauer Apfel
KOMBICAR: Sunday, 09.10.2011
On Sunday the 9th of October 2011 get on your marks - NGBK's art education program Kombiticket will be revving up the Kombicar for the third time, this time running for the current exhibition „Raumschiff Jugoslawien“. Join journalist, Balkan historian and expert on (ex-) yugoslavian communities in Germany, Rüdiger Rossig, and Kombiticket's own Catriona Shaw in the Kombicar and take part in a ride through balkanesque Berlin. We will meet prominent and lesser-known protagonists of the local ex-yugo scene in both famed and more hard-to-find locations.
Along with the organizer, the driver and the guide, the Kombicar will hold up to five additional passengers. To travel in the Kombicar, you must register - this can be done for only one of the routes. This time, however, the destinations are also open to up to 5 extra guests who wish to find their own way there - pre-registration is also obligatory.
The tour will be conducted in German, but English and former Serbo-croation translations are available.
Finally the Kombicar tour offers a very special treat:
Secret cinema "Blauen Apfel" (blue apple) in north Berlin will screen a documentary about Berlin's ex- Jugos. Not only this, but some special culinary delights will be prepared to give people a real taste of the scene.
The final event at Blauen Apfel costs a little something: €3 to see the Film and/or €3 for the food. This event is open to a larger number of guests!
Registration / Further info here:
Collection points (CP) / Destinations (D):
Up to 5 passangers per route! A further 5 guests can register for the destinations (Blauen Apfel is open to more guests)
1. 13:00 - CP: NGBK, Oranienstrasse 25, Kreuzberg - D: Südost Europa Kultur e.V.
2. 14:00 - CP: Hallesches Tor U-bahn Station, opposite Amerikanische Gedenksbibilothek -
D: Rroma Café Theater
3. 15:00 - CP: Hermannstrasse, north entrance to U-Bahnhof Boddinstrasse - D: Islamski Kulturni Centar
4. 16:00 - CP: Ritterstrasse, GIDA Supermarket at Kottbusser Tor - D: Atelier Lovro Artuković
5. 17:00 - CP: Hermannplatz U-bahn, Hasenheide, in front of Pizza Delicia - D: Blauer Apfel
Sunday, 21 August 2011
In/visible Economies?
The last 3 days saw the workshop 'In/Visible Economies?', part of the Kombiticket program for the exhibition 'Volatile Smile - Ein uneinschätzbares Lachen' by Geissler und Sann, (curated by RealismusStudio AG) at the NGBK. 5 participants got together with Catriona Shaw (Kombiticket) to take part in an intensive process that involved discussions in the exhibition space, a photography workshop/critical feedback with photographer Anne Kathrin Greiner, field work in the immediate vicinity of the NGBK and finally the production of a publication with graphics and layout professional Viola Thiele.
The publication will be sent to print and will be available in the coming weeks! In the meantime, here are some images from the workshop:
The publication will be sent to print and will be available in the coming weeks! In the meantime, here are some images from the workshop:
Maria, Snax, Yvonne, Annabel and Mezli get to grips with the financial crisis in Berlin...
Day one: workshop with Anne Kathrin Greiner. We looked at photos that have depicted different financial crises since the great depression as well as discussing different technical tricks and compositional/format/lighting issues in photography
After field work we would meet up again in the NGBK and discuss the results. Here Kathrin speaks to Mezli about her portraits of Berliners affected or unaffected by the current global financial crisis
Snax presents his photo of a slightly decrepit shopfront in Kreuzberg and explains his choice to the group
Some camera show and tell
On the final day of the workshop Viola Thiele came by to help us put our photos into a format ready to be sent off to the printers - this was the moment of tough decisions, adding or subtracting text, choosing and rejecting photos. Now we are eagerly awaiting the results!
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Upcoming Workshop: In/visible Economies?
For the upcoming exhibition 'Geissler / Sann - Volatile Smile', a new workshop is in the planning. It will take place between the 18th and 21st of August and there are ten places available! Please register at join @ kombiticket . net
Outreach Program
WORKSHOP – Kunstvermittlung/Art
Education NGBK
Discussions, photography,
Dates: 18 – 21.08.2011 /
For up to 10 participants – please register by 12th August
2011 at
Participation is free of charge
Title: In/visible economies? /
As part of the outreach
program for the Geissler & Sann exhibition ‘Volatile Smile’, Kombiticket (run
by Catriona Shaw) will be offering a 4-day workshop for a group of up to 10
participants. The workshop will focus on
one of the prominent topics of the exhibition – the financial crisis –contextualized
in Berlin. The most recent global financial
crisis hit in 2008, but how and where is it traceable in a city such as Berlin,
a city that has been undergoing its own financial crisis for a much longer
On the first day of the
workshop we will look at the exhibition and begin some discussions about the
economy in Berlin – how is it visible or have we become so used to the
aesthetic of a ‘bankrupt’ city that we no longer notice? This will be followed by a photography workshop - there will be different technical
insights offered into hi/lo-fi photography by a professional photographer and
we will go out and about in the neighbourhood of Kreuzberg to take pictures. On
the final day of the workshop we will get together with a graphic designer to
see how a simple publication using the photos that we have taken can be
produced – and make one!
Making Mirrors
The art education workshop for Making Mirrors, run by Branka Pavlovic (AG Metanationale) along with Nezaket Ekici (performance artist) and Catriona Shaw (Kombiticket program), came to an end this weekend. In total there were 9 participants made short films following an empowerment workshop at the NGBK that dealt with the main topics of the exhibition. Photos will be posted here soon!
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Another World in Sound and Light
At the beginning of June a workshop called 'Another World in Sound and Light' ran parallel to the exhibition 'Other Possible Worlds - Proposals on this Side of Utopia'. The workshop participants worked together in a group over two days to develop a soundtrack and animation depicting 'another possible world' stemming from their observations of the exhibition and answering the following questions:
What would I change (about my current world)?
What would I keep?
What do I desire?
How do I acheive it?
Would another world be good for everybody or only me?
What is my utopia?
What is my dystopia?
What role would the 'future' play in my other world?
What role would the 'past' play?
How would it sound?
How would it look?
How long would it last?
In the activity lab, which was a caravan-tent attached to the outside of the NGBK in the yard, we worked during the days (Whitsun holidays) and created a 6-minute experimental soundtrack using a combination of found sounds, sampled sounds from the exhibition, voice and instrumentation. The following day we worked with Andreas Dzialocha from Tagtool on a live animation to accompany the soundtrack. This was filmed and is in the process of being edited - to be seen here soon!
What would I change (about my current world)?
What would I keep?
What do I desire?
How do I acheive it?
Would another world be good for everybody or only me?
What is my utopia?
What is my dystopia?
What role would the 'future' play in my other world?
What role would the 'past' play?
How would it sound?
How would it look?
How long would it last?
In the activity lab, which was a caravan-tent attached to the outside of the NGBK in the yard, we worked during the days (Whitsun holidays) and created a 6-minute experimental soundtrack using a combination of found sounds, sampled sounds from the exhibition, voice and instrumentation. The following day we worked with Andreas Dzialocha from Tagtool on a live animation to accompany the soundtrack. This was filmed and is in the process of being edited - to be seen here soon!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Another World in Sound and Light
Today the first phase of the outreach workshop for the exhibition 'Other Possible Worlds' starts. The workshop will run over 2 days (1st and 2nd of June) and include sound production as well as tagtooling! Workshop places are now full but if you want to come by and check out what kind of other worlds are being produced, please do! We will be in the lab-tent in the back yard of the NGBK, also reachable via the exhibition!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Clubroom Phase#3 at Trajector Art Fair, Brussels
I headed for Brussels on the 29th April to work on the third and more contemplative phase of clubroom, along with Berlin based German/Costa-Rican archtitect Christian Sommer.
I wanted to bring a more professional, archtectural perspective into the project at this juncture, mainly in order to reflect upon what other facets are open to the project - perhaps the clubroom would not be as hard to imagine in a model form. Therefore I asked Christian to create two models of the clubroom, based on the layout and results of the NGBK version back in January 2011.
The first model depicts the section of the NGBK where 'clubroom' phase # 1 occurred and had a comprehensive, numbered inventory of all the elements and suggestions for the room placed exactly where they had been in January. The second model came about through conversations we had in Berlin about how the room could be 'imagined' further according to the written suggestions:
This model was more colourful and contained a selection of images and pictorial interpretations/selections for the room elements. We decided to display these models at the fair as depictive examples, as well as some documentary photos and original phase#1 elements and written suggestions.
We stayed in the room for the entire 2 days of the fair, talking to visitors about the project, asking them to participate and give us more suggestions/opinions. The fair was held in a hotel in the northern part of Brussels, a rather poor part of the city, and we were in one half of a conference room - the room had certain restrictions so we had to work intuitively most of the time and try our best. Some spontaneous workshops arose, such as creating faces for the housing block across the yard that we could see from the window.
And we even had a workshop on how to 'draw the Internet' which resulted in this large drawing on the back wall:
Someone from the radio interviewed us about the fair, the NGBK and our contribution...
we created some new inflatibiles - for example, a boot for dancing in
I wanted to bring a more professional, archtectural perspective into the project at this juncture, mainly in order to reflect upon what other facets are open to the project - perhaps the clubroom would not be as hard to imagine in a model form. Therefore I asked Christian to create two models of the clubroom, based on the layout and results of the NGBK version back in January 2011.
The first model depicts the section of the NGBK where 'clubroom' phase # 1 occurred and had a comprehensive, numbered inventory of all the elements and suggestions for the room placed exactly where they had been in January. The second model came about through conversations we had in Berlin about how the room could be 'imagined' further according to the written suggestions:
This model was more colourful and contained a selection of images and pictorial interpretations/selections for the room elements. We decided to display these models at the fair as depictive examples, as well as some documentary photos and original phase#1 elements and written suggestions.
We stayed in the room for the entire 2 days of the fair, talking to visitors about the project, asking them to participate and give us more suggestions/opinions. The fair was held in a hotel in the northern part of Brussels, a rather poor part of the city, and we were in one half of a conference room - the room had certain restrictions so we had to work intuitively most of the time and try our best. Some spontaneous workshops arose, such as creating faces for the housing block across the yard that we could see from the window.
And we even had a workshop on how to 'draw the Internet' which resulted in this large drawing on the back wall:
Someone from the radio interviewed us about the fair, the NGBK and our contribution...
we created some new inflatibiles - for example, a boot for dancing in
and even characters and movements for the 'tanzfläche'!
On the last day we packed everything back into our large suitcase and headed home for Berlin
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