Monday, 9 July 2012

I am Happy in Berlin

I am Happy in Berlin  
19.06.2012, from 2pm / Open participation

Berlin in 2012. A city that has lived through myriad changes in the last century is alive with what seems like an endless stream of newcomers and cultural interest. An attractive and burgeoning scene invites guests from all over the world who are delighted to savor the easy-going, inexpensive and bohemian lifestyle one encounters as a "Neu-Berliner". Right now, in the midst of financial insecurity, Berlin has the highest number of new business initiatives than anywhere else in Germany. Neu-Berliners seem to be more interested in art than politics. With all the 'difficult' parts of life seemingly taking a back seat, one could ask: Is happiness bountiful in Berlin?

As part of the Alfredo Jaar retrospective, "Eine Aesthetik des Widerstands", Kombiticket offered a 1-day workshop at the NGBK, based specifically on Jaar's work "Studies on Happiness", (1979-81), Encompassing discussion, intervention, performance and documentation we will carry out research in the immediate surroundings of the NGBK and develop a Berlin-(Kreuzberg)-specific 'image of happiness', based on the results of our research.

This workshop included insights into the work and methodology of an important international artists, as well as developing a practical understanding of discursive and technical skills that are part and parcel of contemporary art practice.

"How do you recognise a state of happiness in Berlin" or "What does happiness mean in a city like Berlin" were some of the questions we asked. Here is a selection of some of the answers from the spontaneous interviews we carried out nearby the NGBK....

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